Atbalsti Gaŗezeru ar automātisku ziedojumu
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Maggie and Helmuts Brugman “Kāpēc mēs ziedojam Gaŗezeram.”
Programu dalībnieku vecāki/Ozolu pakāpes atbalstītāji
Maggie un Helmuts Brugmani dzīvo Omahā, Nebraskā, ar saviem 4 bērniem – Elza, Māra, Madeline un Helmuts Jr., kuri
visi apmeklējuši dažādas Garezera nometnes programmas (GBD, GBN un GSS). Helmuts Sr. apmeklēja visas Garezera
nometnes programmas, un ir 1998. gada GVV absolvents. Viņi labprāt brauc uz Garezeru, un, kamēr bērni apmeklē
nometni, paši pavada, laiku izklaidējoties.
“Garezera loma mūsu ASV latviešu sabiedrībā ir tik nozīmīga, ka mums visiem jāturpina to atbalstīt.”
Mūsu bērniem nav vietējās latviešu skolas, tāpēc Garezers viņiem sniedz iespēju apgūt latviešu valodu, kā arī augt un gūt
zināšanas latviešu kultūrā un identitātē. Mums kā vecākajai paaudzei Garezers nodrošina vietu atvaļinājumam, vienlaikus
piedaloties latviešu kultūrā, kas mums tik ļoti patīk. Garezeram ir vajadzīgs mūsu visu atbalsts, lai tas varētu palikt, gan
izglītības centrs, gan atvaļinājumu vieta latviešu paaudzēm.
Garezers ir tik unikāla vieta, ka visi kas uzskata sevi par latviešiem to būtu jāpiedzīvo. Dabas skaistums un nodarbības, ko
Garezers piedāvā ar latviešu kultūru un valodu, padara to unikālu. Diena, pavadīta dabā peldoties, laivojot, atpūšoties
pludmalē, kas noslēdzās apmeklējot nometnes ugunskuru vai dziedot tautas dziesmas Dzintaros, ir TOP-10 diena.
Helmuta personīgā pieredze Garezerā sākusies bērnībā
Esmu Leon’s, ka piedzimu latviešu kultūrā! Mana māte (Aija Brugmane) ļoti aktīvi darbojās latviešu sabiedrībā kā
skolotāja un kora diriģente (arī GVV un GBN), bija draudzes priekšniece, un aktīvi piedalījās dažādās latviešu
organizācijās. Augot mana dzīve grozījās ap dažādām aktivitātēm latviešu sabiedrībā Indianapolē. Visa šī pieredze manī
ieaudzināja dziļu atzinību par savu ASV latviešu identitāti, un es savā dzīvē mīļi atskatos uz to latviešu kultūras pamatu.
Biju par mazu, lai atcerētos savu pirmo reizi Garezerā, bet esmu pārliecināts, ka tas bija, kamēr vēl biju zīdainis. Katru
vasaru pavadīju Garezerā. Ja nepiedalījos kādā nometnes programmā, tad bieži biju uz vietas, kamēr māte mācīja, un
pavadīju laiku dabā un dažādās nodarbībās, kas bija pieejamas ārpus programmām.
Garezerā veidotās attiecības ar citiem latviešiem ir dažas no manām burvīgākajām atmiņām. Tuvi draugi, ar kuriem pats
satikos nometnē un vidusskolā, ir vēl šodien mani mūža draugi.. Tagad es kā vecāks redzu, kā mani bērni draudzējas ar to
draugu bērniem, un tas apstiprina, cik šī vieta ir īpaša un kāpēc mums jāturpina atbalstīt Garezeru mūsu bērniem un
nākamajām paaudzēm.
Maggie ar Garezeru iepazinās caur Helmutu.
Es ar Helmutu iepazinos St. Louis universitātē. Viena no pirmajām lietām, par ko viņš man stāstīja, bija par savu latviešu
kultūru, un Garezeru. Es pirmo reizi viesojos Garezerā kopā ar viņu, pirms precējāmies. Mēs arī kopā piedalījāmies St.
Louis Latviešu dievkalpojumos. Kopš esam precējušies, papildus ikgadējām vasarām Garezerā esmu apmeklējusi Dziesmu
svētkus Latvijā, Amerikā un Kanādā.
Man bija 19 gadu, kad pirmo reizi apciemoju Garezeru, to vasaru pēc mūsu pirmā mācību gada. Mani iespaidoja
attiecības, kādas Helmuts bija izveidojis savas dzīves laikā.
Man ir paticis vērot, kā mūsu bērni, vasarā apmeklējot Garezeru, uzzina vairāk par savu latviešu mantojumu. Viņi ir
iemācījušies lepoties par savu izcelsmi. Viņi ir izauguši, iemīlējot Garezeru, un ar nepacietību gaida, kad satiks vecus
draugus un satiks jaunus draugus. Esmu novērtējusi, ka sabiedrība ir mani pieņēmusi, kaut esmu tajā salīdzinoši jauna.

Maggie and Helmut Brugman “Why we donate to Garezers.”
Program parents since 2015 / Oak level Garezers supporters
Maggie and Helmut Brugman live in Omaha, Nebraska and have 4 children, Elza, Māra, Madeline and Helmut Jr., all of
whom have attended various Garezers camp programs (GBD, GBN and GSS). Helmut Sr. attended all of the Garezers
camp programs and is a 1998 graduate of GVV. They love to visit Garezers and spend time vacationing while their
children attend camp.
“Garezers plays such an important role for Latvian-Americans, that we all need to continue to support it.”
Personally, for our children, they don’t have a local Latvian school, so Garezers provides them with the opportunity to
learn Latvian and grow in Latvian culture and identity. For us as the older generation, it provides us a location to
vacation, while participating in the Latvian culture that we love so much. Garezers needs the support from all of us so
that it can remain both an educational center and vacation spot for generations of Latvians.
Garezers is such a unique place everyone with a Latvian background should experience it. Mixing the beauty of the
nature and activities that Garezers provides with the Latvian culture and language makes it so unique. A day spent
surrounded by nature, swimming, boating, lounging at pludmale, and finished by attending an ugunskurs at nometne or
singing tautas dziesmas in Dzintari is a top-10 day.
Helmuts personal experiences at Garezers started as an infant
I was proudly born into Latvian culture! My mother (Aija Brugman) was very active in the Latvian community as a teacher
and choir conductor (including at GVV and GBN), as our congregation’s president, and active participant in various
Latvian organizations. Growing up, my life revolved around the various activities within the Latvian community in
Indianapolis. All of those experiences provided me a deep appreciation for my identity as a Latvian-American, and I look
back fondly on that foundation of Latvian culture in my life.
I was too young to remember my first visit to Garezers, but I’m sure it was while I was still an infant. Every summer of my
young life was spent at Garezers. If not in one of the camp programs, I would often stay up at Garezers while my mother
taught, and just explore the various activities and nature surrounding Garezers outside of the formal programs.
The relationships forged at Garezers with other Latvians with similar backgrounds are some of my fondest memories.
Close friends made during summers at “nometne” and “vidusskola” have remained lifelong friends. Now as a parent, I
see my children interacting and befriending children of parents whom I attended Garezers with, and this demonstrates
how special this place is and why we need to continue to support Garezers for our children and future generations.
Maggie was introduced to Garezers by Helmuts.
I met Helmut in college at St. Louis University. One of the first things he told me about was his Latvian culture, and
Garezers. I visited Garezers with him while we were dating and would also go to church services at the Latvian church in
St. Louis. Since we’ve been married, in addition to our annual visits to Garezers, I’ve attended Dziesmu Svetki in Latvia,
America and Canada.
I first visited Garezers when I was 19, the summer after our first year of college. I was impressed by the relationships
Helmut had formed through his lifetime.
I have enjoyed watching our children learn more about their Latvian heritage through attending Garezers in the summer.
They have learned to have pride in their background. They have grown to love Garezers and look forward to seeing old
friends and meeting new friends. I have appreciated that people have made me feel welcomed in the community, even
though I am relatively new.
Ways to Give
Volunteerism is one of Garezers’ distinctive qualities and core values. Volunteers are the backbone of many of our successful projects and events. Volunteers gain a sense of shared community, create and strengthen friendships, and enjoy an increased sense of ownership in Garezers. To find out more about volunteer opportunities, please contact the Garezers office.
A gift of cash is the most common and convenient way to give to the Latvian Center Garezers. Checks should be made payable to Latvian Center Garezers, Inc. Donations can also be made by credit card via the website garezers.org
Please consider a monthly recurring gift, which can be made electronically by visiting our website garezers.org. This is a convenient option as it allows a small donation ($5 minimum) to be deducted automatically each month from the credit or debit card of your choice. Donors receive and electronic receipt for each monthly donation.
Donors who contribute to the Annual Education Fund are participating in a generations-old education campaign – “Draudzīgais aicinājums” – which was established in pre-war Latvia. All gifts made to the Annual Fund help Garezers provide excellent educational programs for Latvians of all ages.
One of the most meaningful ways to memorialize a loved one or pay tribute to a special person is by making a gift in his/her name to Latvian Center Garezers, Inc. Memorial Gifts can be designated for a specific program. Please contact the Garezers office if we may be of assistance.
When making a gift to Latvian Center Garezers, some donors may be able to maximize their giving by taking advantage of an employer’s corporate matching gift program. Many corporations have matching gift programs, which allow employees to direct corporate gift money to Latvian Center Garezers. Donors should contact their employers’ human resources or benefits office to learn if there is a matching gift program.
Donations received without specific designations will not be considered as restricted and will be used to meet the expenses of the operating budget. Board-approved donor restricted funds may be established with an initial investment of $10,000 or more. Garezers recommends restricted donations or gifts be made specifically to the following funds:
1) Program Support Fund (supporting GVV, GSS, GBN and GBD programs, GVV financial aid, arts and culture)
2) Capital Expense & Project Fund
3) Permanent Endowment (G50 Fund)
Making a gift of a qualified retirement plan asset such as a 401(K), 403(b), IRA, Keogh or pension plan is another way to benefit Garezers and receive significant tax savings. Retirement plan assets are often subject to extremely high estate taxes, and the income is fully taxable when received by an individual beneficiary. By naming the Latvian Center Garezers as the beneficiary of a retirement plan, the donor maintains complete control over the assets during his/her lifetime, but at the donor’s death the plan passes to the Latvian Center Garezers free of both estate and income taxes.
Saules Pakāpe honors those friends of Garezers who have established a gift of $1,000 or more through a bequest, a trust arrangement or other estate plan provision. As a member of Saules Pakāpe, you can continue this important tradition. Bequests made through wills or living trusts play an important role in securing the future of Garezers programs by building the Garezers Improvement Fund. These commitments also enable individuals to make gifts that may not have been possible during their lifetimes.